Monday, April 14, 2008

Don't Give Up!

I did, indeed, attend the New England SCBWI conference in Nashua, NH this past weekend. I'm invigorated, motivated, and generally excited about what I experienced. I met some very nice people who are "pre-published" and attended some wonderful sessions. Laurie Halse Anderson was the keynote - wonderfully honest and hysterically funny - I'm committed to trying to find 15 minutes every day to work on my craft. Though, part of me thinks "there's no way I'll ever be that good."

I had a chance to meet one of my critique partners (in person!) and made some great new friends.

That aside, last week was pretty sucky. My purse (and all it's contents including credit cards, check book, license, flash drive, and ipod) was stolen. It's been discouraging and sad trying to replace things I thought I couldn't live without.